Elektronsko pošto
Vanessa S.

Vanessa S.

Ljubljana39 l5 l izkušenj8-10 € za uro

Hi, my name is Vanessa, I'm from Brazil and I have been babysitting children for the last 5 years. I used to live in London and just moved to Slovenia recently
I love doing different things with children, from creative games at home to outdoors things such as taking to library, parks (depending on the weather).
My routine was basically to drop off and pick up from school, help with the bath and dinner, activities at home or outdoors.
Unfortunately, I do not speak slovenian, just english and portuguese.
I'm available anytime of the day and most evenings. If you would like more information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Look forward to hearing from you.

Vanessa Sever.

Telefonska številka: vidno le za člane


0 priporoča

Čas: po dogovoru (lahko začne takoj)

Plača: 8-10 € za uro

Au pair: po dogovoru

Izkušnje: 5 l

Varstvo otrok
  • Lahko dela v lastnem domu

  • Lahko dela z invalidi

  • Lahko dela s hišnimi ljubljenčki

  • Lahko gre ven z otroci

  • Lahko gre po nakupih

  • Lahko kuha

  • Lahko čisti

  • Ima vozniško dovoljenje

  • Ima avto

  • Ne kadi


Želim delati z

  1. Dojenčki, starimi 0-1 let

  2. Malčki, starimi 2-3 leta

  3. Predšolskimi otroci, starimi 4-6 let

  4. Šolskimi otroci, starimi 7-11 let

  5. Najstniki, starimi 12-18 let



Inštitucija: University Joaquim Nabuco

Posebnost: Business

Jeziki: Angleščina, Portugalščina